Camel ride in Barranco de Fataga in Gran Canaria

Enjoy an unforgettable day and the unique experience of a camel ride through the enchanting Fataga ravine.
[cml_media_alt id='12892']Subir a camello en Gran Canaria Fataga[/cml_media_alt]
For approximately 1 hour, tour a desert landscape, surrounded by impressive palm trees, while riding a camel. Form part of a caravan of up to 30 camels that will accompany you throughout the tour and feel the calm and relaxing walk of these animals.
[cml_media_alt id='12891']Paseo en dromedarios en Fataga en Gran Canaria[/cml_media_alt]

But your adventure in Camel Safari Park La Baranda doesn’t end here. To regain strength after the camel ride, you can taste some typical dishes of Canarian gastronomy.

vegetarian food or to sample some barbequed meat dishes, accompanied by a salad and potatoes with gravy, in addition to some fruits from the farm.

And what better way to let the food settle than to take a walk through this oasis and tour its tropical gardens with one of our guides, who will teach you about all of the flora within the garden and will offer up curious facts that are sure to surprise you.
[cml_media_alt id='12885']Montar a camello en Las Palmas[/cml_media_alt]
Get to know some of the plants endemic to the Canary Islands, such as the tabaiba, the cactus, the candle plant or the Canary palm. You’ll even have the chance to see one of the unique albino Canary palms, of which there are only two in the world. In addition to all that, you will be able to marvel at a variety of shrubs and trees brought from all parts of the world.
[cml_media_alt id='12888']Jardin tropical de la finca de camellos[/cml_media_alt]
In short, this garden will be the ideal complement for relaxing after having enjoyed a fabulous experience riding a camel.

We hope that you will return to your hotel with the feeling of having enjoyed a pleasant day, of having relaxed and had fun, and you’ll always carry with you the memory of riding a camel in Gran Canaria, one of the few places in Europe where such an exciting and fun experience can be had. It will be one of the best memories you’ll have of our island.

Camellos fataga - camels


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